Friday, May 20, 2011

In God We Trust, We Trust in God - Do We?

So when we trust in god and believe that whatever happens is for the best; why do we need to keep asking god for materialistic things? And for argument sake, let’s say if god accepts all our wishes to the last line then would he be doing us any good if he also accepts fulfilling what is not good for us? It’s just like a parent agreeing to buy his child a pack of smokes. While it hurts him in the longer run, it may be something that the child would have been asking for because he is fascinated with smoking.

So the question is that if god gives us what we want or what we need? If he was to give us what we asked for, there is always a risk that he may be giving us our pack of smokes while what we actually need is something else. Not always do we understand the ‘mysterious ways’ that he works in, and while we often do not get the things that we wish for, it is possible that it is so because what we wish for is not something that we NEED!