Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ingenious Fools or...

A wise man once said that it was better to have common sense without education than have an education without common sense. Common Sense; something that is not so common; is nothing but the ability to comprehend facts in a logical and informed manner, so as to make a decision which would be correct.

While started off as something based on logic, due to the inherent nature of man/woman being a lazy animal, after a while the commonly used logics are no longer applied and only the hypothesis is used to make further conclusions. Not this is may not be logically correct, but there is no one to check if what was common sense earlier is still common sense and if what you believe to be common sense now is not just a fallacy. And if it be just a fallacy, anything and everything derived from using it as the basis of your logic would in-turn be nothing more than a misleading notion.

What is common about common sense is that it, almost always, is never based on hard evidence and is only the things that we think to be true. For if it was left up to the sense of the commons, the sun and the stars would still be circling a flat earth, and the Church would still be crucifying women for being witches.

Let it be known that common sense is but only the collection of prejudices acquired with age, and while a man may imagine things that are false, he can only understand things that are true; for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.

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