Saturday, August 28, 2010

Effects of White Wine and Whiskey

The wine’s gone, and so is the whiskey, and I ask myself – “so do I have an expanded mind yet?” The answer – Yes and No! Yes, for a person who hated to express his views orally, let alone on paper, writing it out and actually posting them on a public forum; NO, for whatever I write makes absolutely NO sense at all. So, this evening when I thought some alcohol would actually help me expand my mind and explore facets of my life that I had not explored before, I would say it worked and it did not.

So why is it that the first things that come to my mind to actually write about are Cigarettes and Alcohol? Is it just coincidence or perhaps fate? Or perhaps it is a higher power that is guiding me to write these words. Crap. The reason I write about this is because this is something that I hear about every day of my life.
Is it the sleep, or is it the alcohol? I don’t have a clue; I still am in my senses, although the words are flowing pretty quickly. Could also be because I’m in “the zone” but I’m not entirely sure.

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